Wu Ling Ren
This is a story about Hwang Dao Zhang, a man from Wu Ling who by chance wandered into a land of happiness. The place is occupied by people who escaped from the Chun dynasty. Those people are living in this place peacefully. There is no war and no sadness unlike Wu Ling. They called this place the Village of Peach Flower. Hwang also met a beautiful girl in the village. Although he is already engaged in Wu Ling, he is attracted by this beautiful girl.Hwang has to decide wheather to stay in the village and live borely or to come back to Wu Ling where he has to suffer the war and the struggle. He makes a wise choice. But, can we all do the same thing as Hwang?

FishermanThreeHwangHwangTwo LovesWu Ling Ren

Wu Ling Ren
The drama consists of 4 acts and you will find the drama quite interesting to watch. The goal for the play is to raise fund for Far East Broadcasting Company at Chicago.
Wu Ling Ren
With the 6 performances that we did in Los Angeles and in Chicago, we raised over $20,000 for FEBC Chicago.

Thank you for all of your support and please continue to support FEBC Chicago.