“Hong Kong Renaissance” is a play that put 3 decades (50’s to 70’s) of time on stage. The play consists 3 acts with monologues in between the acts. Each act has a story about each decade.

With the goal of reminding those of us who came from Hong Kong what we went through during those decades, the difficult times and the joyful times we had, we need to maintain the same type of spirit even when we are here in the United States.

When Hong Kong was a small fisherman port, we work hard, and now Hong Kong becomes a world known city and a major financial center of the world. Can we bring the same kind of spirit to here?


Hong Kong Renaissance
  • New immigration law restricted people from mainland China come to Hong Kong.
  • Korean war started, and inflation followed.
  • After WWII, there came the 1st Urban Council election.
  • Pneumonia rifes, and caused many death.
  • Export trading declined, and there was a huge deficit.
  • The 1st “H” style temporary public housing was built, it became the model sample of future public housing. It accomodated 40,000 people who moved in from ghetto.
  • Shek Kip Mei squatter was on fire on Christmas Day, 6 villages were destroyed, and there were more than 50,000 victims.
  • The first phase of Victoria harbour coast reclamation project was finished on Hong Kong Island.
  • Urban Council increased number of elected members.


  • Typhoon “Mary” landed HK. It caused 45 people died, and 15,000 people homeless.
  • Starts the vehicle ferry line.
  • Develope New Territories, and other new towns as well as new industrial area.
  • Import and export trading reaches its new high.
  • Shum Tsang supplied fresh water to Hong Kong.
  • Many new immigratants emmigrate to Hong Kong due to financial difficulties in Mainland China.
  • Hong Kong City Hall opened for use.
  • Typhoon “Wendy” landed Hong Kong. It caused serious damage. More than 100 people died, and 50,000 people homeless.
  • Hong Kong was drought. Water supply was only once every 4 days, and 4 hours each time.
  • Chinese University opened.


  • Import export trading is over 30 billion dollars
  • Legislative Council can now be conducted in both English and Chinese.
  • Government implements 6 years free education.
  • Stock market is over bullish, all year transaction exceeds 14 billions dollars.
  • Hong Kong – China relationship re-established. The China Ping-Pong team came to Hong Kong having a match.
  • United Nation passed to delete Hong Kong and Macau on the colony list.
  • Hong Kong government passed a 10-year plan providing housing for 1.8million people. Oi Man estate was the first public housing.
  • Hong Kong Harbor Tunnel is open.
  • Kwai Chung Cargo Terminal started to use.
  • “Sea College” ship was on fire at Tseng Yi.
  • 618 flooding, landslide at Kwun Tong, and Yuk Whou building collapsed.